Monday, September 27, 2010

best mummy!!!

I have the best mummy in the world...
knowing that i am at home for dinner
she cook Ba Ku Teh!!
wooo... yummy!!

Scare that there is not enough food
she went out to buy KFC back for us
how great can she be??
Love her so much...

Was suppose to be on diet
think my short play on Wii would not help much =(
tml morning have to go run!!

P.s: Pic abit ugly ah... was too eager to eat the food =)

Mummy make my day perfect
make studying the stupid FR easier
i manage to understand and complete some qn
life is great!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

you'll never walk alone

so emo...
hopes were high on the last 20 min
thought history will repeat itself
and kick start our season today at old trafford!

we still lost
but at least i see some form in liverpool today
lets hope it will go on!!

P.s: Jacky, hate u, hate Man U =P

Saturday, September 18, 2010

to sleep

Picture always speak louder than words...
nice pic... lousy feeling...
let me just sleep it away...
night night world

Friday, September 17, 2010

happy enough

all that i feel right now...
recover from my sickness
leading a more relaxing life
with more time for me to rest
life seem so perfect for now =)

went on my shopping spree yesterday
brought a skirt like finally
and lots of nice cheap girly clothes

haven found dear daddy present
it is just so difficult to find the perfect one
i just want to get him the perfect present
like what he got for mine
best wish
is still for you n mummy to be always happy
no argument
* wish wish wish =P *

Friday once again...
the day i get to see my girls...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

its official

officially he going to be a air steward
have fun in what you do
rem to buy me lots of presents when you fly =P

Monday, September 13, 2010

really sick...

so glad to be home on my lovely bed
spend 3 days in hospital
2 horrible nights...
with fever close to 40 degree
vomit like a fountain
on drip
everything was just so horrible

at least all is fine now =)
thanks gavin for visiting
my si gi na for coming to entertain me
with prezzie somemore
wanted to keep it really a secret so that ppl wun worry
but guess is hard...

so sorry for making you all worry bout me
i will take care of myself better
will work less and rest more

esp. my parents, jacky, pastamania ppl for covering me

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i tried...

i tried...
really did and guess i failed...
tried to understand how you feel
tried to be nice to you
tried to not scream at you when you do thing w/o thinking

what did i get back in return??
nothing... a black face thats all...
people might still be able to be nice to u
but i did this for duno how long already
talk to you
teach you
yet you never really listen and learn

you always still do things your way
and now even worst...
talk back and ignore...

is not i dun care
but i am really that busy
busy that i do not even have time for myself
i cannot afford to have the time like last time

Do you even understand about my situation??
i have already did my best
and that it...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

yeobo =)

my darlings...
i so glad to know you girls in my uni life
initially i still thought we will start to lose contact after we grad
esp after boon transfer to SIM

who knows...
till now our friendship are still as strong as ever
we make an effort to try to make up every friday
you girls just make my life so happy
thanks for showing up in my life =)

You girls must be strong
zee, boon: must get use to working life and find a good job
kales: find a good pt job and do well for school
jq, shi xian: study hard!! you girls can do well this year de!!

my life...

been really busy...
busy with coping with 2 work
trying to set time for school
making sure i have time to study
have time to exercise...

life have never been that busy
not having time to even have meals at home
but i love the life i have now
maybe just need to have more rest time =P

pass my birthdays with all my love one also
thanks so much to all of u all