Wednesday, September 30, 2009


On the way back from Hougang after meeting up with Dan Da Jie. I miss her, truely miss the times working today at far east, miss the times helping her out with english, miss the times when she will talk to me when i am feeling down. She been through alot thru this few months and i am glad at least she got out of it. She gave me alot of advise on what i should do. 我应该短痛儿冒险没有你这的朋友。。。 或长痛把感觉埋在心里。。。I still do not know what to do and i just do not want to think so much too... I miss you but for now i will not do anything. Hope mei mei and me will be able to walk out of this love shit thing... Time to go study for tmlo test already...

swollen eyes :(

Omg!! my dear eyes have been swollen for close to 1 whole day already and it dun look like it is healing. I look like a goldfish ah!! Pray pray that it will heal fast, as in recover now :P At least i think i know the reason of them so such just do my best to avoid it. The three hours talk with zee and shi xian at LJS, although was feeling uncomfortable due to the goldfish eyes but i still have great fun. With the three of us, there is never a moment where we run out things to talk about. LUV u two :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Skip school today although i woke up early... Was freaking emotional and physical tired yesterday, i am tired of working and tired of loving, i need a break, a break from everything in this world. AAAHHHH!!! I am piss!! piss off with myself...

At least i finally got the wish of drinking!! Ziya bdae!!! Had a really great day that night and after the drink, it make me wake up and stop doing all the stupid things. I am so looking forward to the next drinking session during month end!! Luv u guys and gers!! Is because of you all, my life at work is not being screw up by that few...
P.s: Thanks for the nice orange drink and the great tasting scallop... The sweets!!! For cheering me up and making me not lose my temper...

Friday, September 18, 2009

i am back...

Thanks to everyone who accompany me through this crap period of mine. My gi na(esp. Zee who i call everytime), Gerri, didi and Eugene for listening to me. I though it over this few days and manage to hide part of the feelings aside first. The old happy smiley Florence will be back!!! ^_^

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the sweet memories...

It is all back to normal now i guess since she is back. Having supper together, chatting together on msn till wee times, getting to see you more often, all these will not happen anymore already. Although i was very emotional unstable the past few days but i am glad that i have all these great memories with you. Thanks :)I will miss the drinks, food i had with you. Hope you be happy with your ger ger back and that will be my greatest wish. Although i cannot be always there to listen to your woes or just chat with you but in your times of need i will always be around when you need me. I MISS YOU!!!

P.s: Time for me to put you aside and concentrate on my studies already...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009


I need a drink tonight!! Its been long that i need a drink so badly... Guess yesterday meeting affected me, on the bus i just feel like resting my head on your shoulder. I feel like telling you that I LOVE YOU... At least i still get to say it in here and its time for me to pack all this feeling for you into a tight box and hide it in a corner of my heart.

I know that i will be able to put the feelings for you aside (but wonder how long i will take) and just be great friend with you, i just need some more time... I am happy enough if in times of need you will think of me this friend, being able to be around you seeing you happy is already the most i can ask for...
i am affected by him... i am truly affected and i am not happy about it... Because i do not know how long will it continue to affect me and i got a feeling it that it will be for very very long :(

... ...

haix... very sad songs... one of my favourite songs now because it sort of describe what i feel... 事情如果那么简单那就好了

想让自己不见 瞬间就统统消灭
受伤不会流血 悲伤也不会流泪

不需要有同类 传染颓废

就让我伪装 我嘴角不屑



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some time off...

So many stuff to blog yet so little time and not in the mood. Be sure to blog everything up soon esp my bdae celebration :)