Wednesday, September 30, 2009


On the way back from Hougang after meeting up with Dan Da Jie. I miss her, truely miss the times working today at far east, miss the times helping her out with english, miss the times when she will talk to me when i am feeling down. She been through alot thru this few months and i am glad at least she got out of it. She gave me alot of advise on what i should do. 我应该短痛儿冒险没有你这的朋友。。。 或长痛把感觉埋在心里。。。I still do not know what to do and i just do not want to think so much too... I miss you but for now i will not do anything. Hope mei mei and me will be able to walk out of this love shit thing... Time to go study for tmlo test already...

1 comment:

  1. We'll be able to walk out i guess, by hook or by crook.
    But if one day you decided to tell him, you like him or decided to give up on him, tell me. I shall do the same. (:
