Monday, January 25, 2010

parents finally home =)

Hippy, after 5 days of home alone, my parents is finally home... No more days of reaching home in complete darkness and i will have delicious food waiting for me when i am home!! I miss them so much!!! But damm sad, they din buy any presents for me... only brought lots of yummy food =)

Even thought was feeling abit sad for the five days but i had fun too!! washing clothes with my bitch was so fun and esp. drinking in the afternoon... tats like so cool ah!! real fun to have that grp of friends ard me ah... off to sleep le ah... i am getting tired le, keep getting piss off at work, haix...

P.s: You guys are not superman, please take good care of ur own body and dun let me worry ok... haix... LUV U!!

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