Friday, May 28, 2010


its end of my exam
start of my holidays
it time to play
time to pray!!

last two days
slacking and majong
feel so relax and happy
manage to see my poly frenx after so long
also relax with my uni frenx

start of work tml...
so many things wana do!!
- shopping
- sing sing sing
- pack up my room
-renovate room
- redang trip
weeeeeee... happy =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010




爱死罗志祥了 =)

pictures will be up soon
i am a happy ger...

too bad there was bad news today
whatever decision you choose to make
i will always support you
of course i would wan you to stay ah
but just do what you think is best
and i sure it will go well


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i am florence...

i am florence...
i am naggy
i have a big build
i walk with a limp
i am strong headed
i have a boyish character
i am a straight forward person
i chose clothes mostly by the comfort
i only beauty myself up when i hav the mood

this is who i am
if you do not like who i am
just get away from me
i love the way i am now
althought can be better lar =P

whoever that like me
i will treat you all x10 well
cox my frenx are one of the important part in my life!!


maximum capacity

brain full
body still sick
let me be able to complete my last two paper

realise how easily contented i am now
ice blended drink (too bad no coffee)
with a pcs of cake
and i will be ultra happy =)

newly tried green tea tiramisu
offically declare my fav cake from coffeebean!!
off to fill my brain again le

Sunday, May 16, 2010


i got the vulnerable feeling now
the feeling that made me feel so alone
a feeling that always hit when i am alone at home

ok... i am emoing now

Thursday, May 13, 2010

happy =)

most worried paper down
it was good
all question was done
hope i manage to shift the correct curve for long qn
my 2nd dist paper here i come

thx you
i did what i promise you
studied hard
i know you helped me from up there
i miss you still...

the song that will bring a smile to me
no matter what

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

please pass...

one paper down
three more to go
today pobf paper was consider good
i guess
please please i just need a pass!

brain was shut down tonight
did a few qn and nothing went it
decided to have an early night
wake up like at 6 to study

P.s: appreciate the people around you
when u start to argue over small little things
you are actually pushing your love one away
since he the one you love
give and take is all you need
do not wait till all is lost
and start to regret
time can never be turn back
and sometimes feeling cannot be search back

I need coffee =P

Monday, May 10, 2010

new hair

new hairstyle
a new mindset to my life
too much things had happen
now is time to put all aside
and prepare for exam

funny all the comment i get of this hairstyle
sotong hair...
daddy go get a sotong hair too then 'pei' ma =P
xiao long nu hair...
act cute hair...
at least i feel afresh with my new hair

time to chiong thru the last day

i miss you ♥

Saturday, May 8, 2010

stress up

pobf exam on tue
i am getting all stress up
as i am not ready
brain filling up and seems like it is going to burst
hope these few days i can squeeze as much things as possible

wanted to study thru the night
to finish one chp
but half way thru
my head hurts... hai

so here i am off to bed...

i miss u ♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

miss u

i miss you... ...

life is so unpredictable
anything can happen anytime
so we have to cherish our love one

on another note
i am worried
please take care of yourself
i do not know how long you can last this way
i understand why you feel this way
i know she is fine
i just wish she will call back soon
i cannot afford to let anything happen to u


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4th may... the day you leave us

a msg receive today afternoon
i thought it was a joke
but it was not
it was so sudden
it was just days away where i saw you
you were nagging asking me to work lesser
as usual...

but it was the last time i get to see you
the last time i get to hear you nag
i never expected it
i do not know how to react

i will miss you...
the supper we had together
the laughter you brought to me
the nag i always get from you
i will just miss everything about u

and i will never forget the promise i gave you
to do well in my exam
this year round i will do so!!
for the sake of myself and to fulfill my promise

i just wish all this was just a dream
a dream wish i can just wake up from it

i thought i could handle it well
but the bus trip was horrible
memories of you flash by
and tears just flow without me realising
but i still need to be strong for the sake of my girls
hai... all this is just so wrong

Monday, May 3, 2010

days of waiting

i felt sad when i could not do anything
to help cheer my best friend up
i could only try to influence him with my smile
but exam is coming
this could not be done due to the long break

i could only wish that the days
pass by fast
could only wish she bring back good news
only wish that u can be distracted by work
wish that it will not be that torturing

P.s: stomach having strange feeling =(

coffee addiction

the most torturing period now...
few days left to exam
confidence to pass: 30 %
can someone kill me now =P

with so many things left to study
coffee addiction getting very bad
min 2 cups of coffee a day
will i die from it? lol

finally get to watch shutter island
one word to describe: disappointing =(
at least his acting was great!!
thanks WP for the company
looking forward to Ip man 2
please do not disappoint me

off to get bury in books again

Sunday, May 2, 2010


its been very long time where i stop blogging
slight changes and back i am again
contented life and off away emo

super clumsy me
cut on leg, sprain hand
i feel like staying at home and rot
can i??