Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4th may... the day you leave us

a msg receive today afternoon
i thought it was a joke
but it was not
it was so sudden
it was just days away where i saw you
you were nagging asking me to work lesser
as usual...

but it was the last time i get to see you
the last time i get to hear you nag
i never expected it
i do not know how to react

i will miss you...
the supper we had together
the laughter you brought to me
the nag i always get from you
i will just miss everything about u

and i will never forget the promise i gave you
to do well in my exam
this year round i will do so!!
for the sake of myself and to fulfill my promise

i just wish all this was just a dream
a dream wish i can just wake up from it

i thought i could handle it well
but the bus trip was horrible
memories of you flash by
and tears just flow without me realising
but i still need to be strong for the sake of my girls
hai... all this is just so wrong

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