Monday, June 28, 2010


will be away for the next five days
off to Redang for a relax trip
my dear friends take care of yourself here
and mux miss me wor =)

my dear frenx at work
enjoy urself at inventory
while i be relaxing at the beach =P

will miss u guys!!

well spend day

27 June
got to meet up with the gang for dinner
other than MJ
played board game at calvin hse
although we din really do much
i had great FUN!!

I love Honda fit
bcox owner of honda fit are nice people
Felix: sending me home although out of the way
Erik: driving us around

Went to the temple with erik n daddy
pray for good health, luck for all the people around me
been so long i went to pray
mum will be happy to know about it =)

Slacking around is also fun
most importantly
is the companies that count!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

dear gastric

gastric feeling weird this few days
been having gastric pain
wanting to throw up

time to eat something light
this few days

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father day =)

happy father day daddy!!!
Thanks for all the support
and encouragement =)

watever happen
u always have ur this daughter
at ur side


Saturday, June 19, 2010

my wants =)

i have a new wish list!!
and more will come...
am quite broke recently
so is time to save up!!
by getting motivation from all the things i want

next month onwards
start of new accounting job
decide to open uob account
to put that amount in
and not touch it

work hardplay hard
and get all the things i want

Polaroid camera
always wanted to get one
now since price drop i can consider le
Price: $100 plus

Olympus Pen EP1 DSLR camera
always wanted to have a DSLR camera
this is small, pretty and good
guess the price will be also very 'pretty'

i realise i am so into camera
guess cox i always love to take picture
not only self take picture
but also of the environment =)


talk of the town

hot topic for singapore
beside world cup
city harvest church...

i still rem the time Sun Ho became a singer
what a big fuss was made
esp when she when US
it become worst with all the skimpy clothes

i use to dislike her
partially cox i dun agree with ways
is done at the church
when i went to listen of her new songs
it isn't that bad

No matter how good she is
just because she a pastor wife
she can only do specific things
wear specific clothing

More common in our traditional country
Next when is my turn to find a FT job
guess i be stereotype too bah

i have been thru all this year
doing things i am never expect to do
so what is another challenge

P.S: Thanks daddy n Wp for telling me
what you all think bout me...
daddy still know me the best =)
promise will not push myself over the limit


Sunday, June 13, 2010

food for thought...

full shift yesterday
plus no dishwasher...
my mood was really bad
due to lack of staff
and my back seem like it is going to break

when i was waiting for toilet
i saw a little boy being so happy just by playing with soap
this make me think... ...

happiness is actually very simple
we humans actually make it complicated
by not being contented
happiness become very difficult to obtain

Work become so much more happy yesterday
glad to work with the group of people
Daddy - always dun fail to make me smile
Pei Dian - extending your work hours for us and gossiping with me
Kristine - always having ur smile on
Wan Pin - Lending a great helping hand
Kitchen crew - for always crapping with me

I LUV U ALL!!! ♥

Thursday, June 10, 2010

yum yummy!!

snacks i love the most now

yummy egg tart!!it is not the normal egg tart
inside is like cream i think

durain puff!!!
my all time fav...
these two snacks can be brought near my hse
i am so lucky =)

waffle tat look very nice
taste is not worth the price
too expensive =(


love my bed

one whole day for me to rot at home
feel so shiok =)


Friday, June 4, 2010

lonely me...

having my lonely feeling again...
i really can emo out of nothing sia

a happy note
i got what i wish
it is really fated...