Saturday, June 19, 2010

talk of the town

hot topic for singapore
beside world cup
city harvest church...

i still rem the time Sun Ho became a singer
what a big fuss was made
esp when she when US
it become worst with all the skimpy clothes

i use to dislike her
partially cox i dun agree with ways
is done at the church
when i went to listen of her new songs
it isn't that bad

No matter how good she is
just because she a pastor wife
she can only do specific things
wear specific clothing

More common in our traditional country
Next when is my turn to find a FT job
guess i be stereotype too bah

i have been thru all this year
doing things i am never expect to do
so what is another challenge

P.S: Thanks daddy n Wp for telling me
what you all think bout me...
daddy still know me the best =)
promise will not push myself over the limit


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