Friday, October 22, 2010

suay day

what a suay day at work yesterday was
delivery slam
(honestly think was becox of the haze, cox everyone else delivery very busy too)
2 new rider can freaking lose their way
stupid phone ringing non stop!
have to keep apologizing to customer
*pray pray no delivery complain*
*pretty please*
lucky there is good customer that made my day too

while all this is happening
edward came audit =(
i instantly feel like killing myself
delivery non stop from 10am
he still fail my audit
still kana say by boss...
lucky edward seem like a nice guy
help me push up my result
if not will be a 60%
*really can die instantly*

after all this thought that the end
realise ordering never do
have to go borrow things
hope the things we borrow will last

P.s: I have only 2 hands 1 head
if you trust me, know me well enough
you will have to know i did my best le
*blame me for the outside food and nametab, is my fault*
appreciate the apologize...
at least made me feel slightly appreciated

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

poly cliques

Had fun with them...
too bad weekiat was not ard
is been long everyone hang out together already
as the rest had started studying
while working full time...

lets hang out more often ppl!!!
love you all so much

Saturday, October 9, 2010


i am currently one job now
finally start to get use to the work environment
start to have fun working there
but all the office conflict make it gone

it might not be a bad thing
since i was really abit over worked
now i have more time to study
is my last year already
i wan to try to get my 2nd Upper
at least this way i wun regret =)

now i also have more time to accompany my parents
and to exercise to lose weight!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

just like a spring

I am like a spring... Will always spring back no matter what happen... But even spring will spoil after long usage, so will it ever be my turn??

back to heaven

when we leave
do we want to leave back tears?
or leave back laughter?

i do not agree with u leaving so sudden just like that
as u may get the release u need
actually in fact u pass it forward to ur love ones

i actually do understand why u will lead to this stage
i used to think of leaving this world
but thanks to my happy character
it hold me back

i just hope now you be able to give strength
to ur families and love ones
bring them go thru this horrible time

P.s: from all this
we learn that our love ones are the most impt
in our life...
but will we remember this lesson we had forever?

Friday, October 1, 2010

i am poor...

offically declare myself broke...
time to start saving again
savings depleting like water

Have to STOP!!
work and save up again...
i cant bear to see my account with so little money
no more shopping expensive things...

at least this month $$ was well spend
as long as you all are happy
it make me happy =)