Wednesday, December 1, 2010


i tired of always smiling...
tired of always having to put on a strong face
tired of always have to think of others before myself

i just want to be like a freaking childish 23 yrs old...
asking for people to give in to me
asking for people to help me cox i freaking walk with a limp
just staying at home rotting instead of working

people always see be as being a strong ger...
in fact i am not that strong
all the burden i am carrying is making me breathless
burden of doing well in school
burden of doing well in work
burden to be able to make everyone happy

actually i feel very imperfect...
walking with a limp
being different from others
i hate when i see people staring at the way i walk
i have to work double hard to make ppl recognize me
people look down at me because of this
i hate when i cant wear heels bcox of this
i hate when i cant swim bcox of thim
i hate when i cant run bcox of this
i hate when i cant cycle bcox of this
i hate my life bcox i cant do everything people can...

i know i have alot people that truely cares about me
that do not even care that i am imperfect
that actually take care of me and love me
i know it and i appreciate it
thanks alots... LUV

but being different
is just so tiring at times
when the burden start to fall
and make me breathless
is times where i feel that i should not even be born
where i will think that the world be better without me
my parents will be more relax with this burden
my friends will feel less relax as do not have to worry for me

everytime when the burden fall
i will always after a while be able to push it back
and carry it for quite awhile more
so lets hope after a good sleep
i will become the strong and cheerful florence again...

piss off...

i hate it when i make mistake in work or whatever thing i suppose to do
duno whether is my good point or bad point...
i will want things that i do to be perfect
i know is quite impossible but i hope to be as perfect as possible
maybe it was bcox i was born imperfect
that why i want to change fate and be able to produce perfect things
when things turn out imperfect
it just sort of remind me how imperfect i am

it gets really tiring trying to make things perfect...
i think is time i try to change this habit
things will never be perfect
so like i never will

P.s: i should also change the habit of trusting ppl too much
should trust no one but myself...