Saturday, August 1, 2009

my precious rest day

I love saturday now and it is not because i get to hang out but instead it is my only precious day per week. The feeling of laying on my comfy bed on a saturday make me feels happy. I get to talk to bun also but i am glad he is not getting so much into my head now due to my busy lifestyle. Busy helping out to cover FE lack of staff and also exercising to lose weight!! Really thanks to james for being so naggy and ming for being a nice gym partner :)

Was fairly a good week except with some disappointment. Gerri and my xin ai Zee found a job already!! Zee got her dream job at tcc at one of her favourite location and she is starting work tomorrow. Hope she will meet really nice people there like i did. I will pray for you and hope it work as well!!

Such go exercise already before i get nag by james again :P

P.s: Good luck to you :)

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