Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am finally starting to feel abit tired from work already. Its been years ago where i work almost everyday and long hours in Suntec, luckily my old body is still taking it well. Hope the managers are taking it well also, hope they will not fall sick.

Actually plan to go cut my messy hair tomorrow but think have to forgo it already since have to start work at 3pm. I must do it before i go genting. Yeah!! am so looking forward to it with my gi na!! A few days for me to take a break from work. Time to go watch 命中注定我爱你!!

P.s: 虽然我很正常,但是我相信总有一天白马王子会出现。我相信只要我在你身边,有一天你会发现我。

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