Saturday, October 3, 2009

my precious friends...

First of all... I wan say sorry to my gi na as i almost did not listen to all of your advise today. I know that you all have only my best interest at heart but i just let my heart take over my brain. A big THANKS to Eugene for accompanying me to supper just now. Although we did not talk much about him but it is the concern that helped me. Our kind of friendship just really amaze me sometimes.

I am giving myself just one more week and i have to stop all this crap of drinking and having supper excessively for the last close to one month. I am getting fatter and i hate it... Time to really try to let go and cheer up. I am not sure whether i can do it but i must really give it my best effort.

P.s: Time to say bye to yellow at work and to say hi to black. Hope i will not screw up anything with my new job scope. :)

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