Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Suay week...

Last week ended with a suay day too and i hope this lead to my end of suayness. Hahha, i this clumsy ger actually fall down straight on my face on the face when i was rushing to work. It hurts and the first person that came to my mind was him. But watever, time to change this mindset. Haix, it still hurts until today :( Time to go study... I am blogging crap for this entry... lol, maybe cox i just woke up...

P.s: <Did you ever fall for someone, that you really didn’t want to, words can’t explain why, but you love being with them every minute. It’s one of the few things that make you happy

and it shouldn’t, and all you wanted to do was try to give up on them, but you couldn’t.

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