Monday, November 2, 2009


Some screw up things happen yesterday again... This matter i was at fault, at fault that i tried to disturb him. I thought we were close, i thought you know that i was just playing around but it backfire i guess. That i am sorry and apologize to her and the rest of the bitches for bringing trouble to you gers. I am tired already and i do not have the strength to explain about this matter. No matter how much explanation is done, things will not change, the fault will still be with me only. Everyone will still have to do things according to what she want. I do not like it, backstabbing us and blaming everything to other people. Actually end up there were never the bitches group... It was always just your group where the world turn just because of you. Please let all the tolerance be with me later!! I dun wan things to get worst and make everyone worry.

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