Saturday, December 26, 2009

support 黄鸿升

merry x'mas!!

Merry X'mas LOVE!!!

merry chistmas to everyone, hope you all had a fun time!! I watched my first 3d show with my si gi na... it was nice!! i love Avatar!! although we had to seat at the 4rd row but it is really very nice. Look so real... i love the ending too!! love the nature!! I SEE YOU!!! hahahha... all my xmas prezzie still at my house sia, haven sent out to people...

Haix, i am very tired... my back hurts recently, do not know why... Thanks for the concern... LUV

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

happy bdae!!


Had a fun celebration yesterday for meng at kbox. Singing, drinking and playing... still remember losing 13 rounds which make wz laugh like mad, lol... I love them!! they bring so much fun to my life at times =)

Hippy... i got the software that allow me to watch all the movies!! now i can watch all the movies i miss, thx MY... But i must have self control!! i must study first and only watch shows during free times... if not hk series, tw series and now movie, i totally do not have time to study already.

P.s: Sorry WP, i know you felt hurt by what he said... I promise i will never disturb you two again... I am sorry love...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

time to adapt...

lots of busy day went past again... just went through 2 days of course in office... study study again... but it was fun ah, with the group of people that can make me laugh so much. They make me feel so at home there... will miss all the fun had with them ah since now be very difficult to meet up already. LUV my Swensen meal!!! 8 scoop of ice cream, so so nice!

changes occur at outlet again... time to adapt again but will i be able to do so?? i can feel a stress over me ah... although nobody is giving me the stress but no matter what one group is my good friends and one is my good boss... Watever ah, like what i am told, just do what i am suppose to do and ignore about all this things... I will judge her with my own eyes =) will i be as fake??

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Its 2am in the morning and i just finish watch harry potter... I re-read the whole series again, two more books to the end of them all. So looking forward to the last book since i haven get to read that yet. In the mean while before shi xian can lent me the next harry potter book, it is time to start i my long awaited lost symbol! Wanted so much to get it when it was out, but since my other dan brown book was not hard cover, wanted to wait for the normal version to come out but i couldn't wait anymore. I am so amazed that just by buying make my day so perfect that day, now that i am going to start reading it, i feel so excited!! Weeeeeeee!! Need to go sleep soon since tml working morning shift. *starting to be able to hide the feelings but i still miss u! LUV

Friday, December 4, 2009


Waiting for all my online clothes to come!! i need new clothes!! better come before end of this mth then can chose one of them to wear for boon bdae ah!! faster faster!!! Today unlucky ah, majong today totally never win at all... hope tml be luckier!!! i miss u... LUV

P.s: happy!!! i got lots of BIG BANG songs to hear!! thx shi xian!! =)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

on my learning path...

Must learn not to get so affected by what happen around me... =)
