Wednesday, December 16, 2009

time to adapt...

lots of busy day went past again... just went through 2 days of course in office... study study again... but it was fun ah, with the group of people that can make me laugh so much. They make me feel so at home there... will miss all the fun had with them ah since now be very difficult to meet up already. LUV my Swensen meal!!! 8 scoop of ice cream, so so nice!

changes occur at outlet again... time to adapt again but will i be able to do so?? i can feel a stress over me ah... although nobody is giving me the stress but no matter what one group is my good friends and one is my good boss... Watever ah, like what i am told, just do what i am suppose to do and ignore about all this things... I will judge her with my own eyes =) will i be as fake??

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