Saturday, December 5, 2009


Its 2am in the morning and i just finish watch harry potter... I re-read the whole series again, two more books to the end of them all. So looking forward to the last book since i haven get to read that yet. In the mean while before shi xian can lent me the next harry potter book, it is time to start i my long awaited lost symbol! Wanted so much to get it when it was out, but since my other dan brown book was not hard cover, wanted to wait for the normal version to come out but i couldn't wait anymore. I am so amazed that just by buying make my day so perfect that day, now that i am going to start reading it, i feel so excited!! Weeeeeeee!! Need to go sleep soon since tml working morning shift. *starting to be able to hide the feelings but i still miss u! LUV

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