Thursday, July 22, 2010


disappointment can lead to alot of things
for me it might be just letting go...

letting go of the friendship
letting go of the worries
letting u lead your own life...

it just drain me out
worrying about you
thinking of what best for you
yet you choose to lie and hide for me

i maybe strict with you
cause i want to help you get what is best
maybe i was too strict
i put too much effort in it
and i hate people to lie to me
not once, not twice but lots of time
it just let me lose hope
and you know i hate this feeling
because i once lose a 'sister' before...

like what i decided for work
loosen up and dun bother so much
and life will be easier for me
so is time to let u go

just give me some time to adapt
we will still be friends
just that i will stop nagging
since now u have a new daddy
he will do it...

P.s: i just dun want to not feel appreciated again
the feeling sux...
actions always speak louder than words

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