Saturday, July 10, 2010


Florence 温流 omg... i want to clean up my room!!! but i am freaking lazy ah =(

Thursday at 11:45pm Friends Only · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
haha...i help you loh...hehe...1 hour $50...
Thursday at 11:56pm · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
wow!!! so expensive!!! i poor ger leh can i have a lower price =P
Thursday at 11:56pm · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
haha....where got expensive cheap ad loh...
Yesterday at 12:01am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
I help you 25 euro per hour... cheaper? lol
Yesterday at 12:03am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
hahahah... slightly cheaper only... you are my daddy jacky shld help me for free ma...
Yesterday at 12:06am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
Then you come clean up my room for me? lol
Yesterday at 12:07am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
ya loh...jacky so be greedy for money...haha
Yesterday at 12:07am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
hahaha... why all my frenx so money minded de!!

jacky >> ur room shld be very clean le ma
Yesterday at 12:12am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
lol.... no $$$ no talk! And ya my room is neat de of course... and you being a girl.. pls go and tidy up your unsightly room lol
Yesterday at 12:13am · · 1 personLoading... ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
ah ya... i know and i want to... but when i see all the books and clothes... i feel so lazy =(
Yesterday at 12:16am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
‎......... jialat!
Yesterday at 12:18am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
very jialat....
Yesterday at 12:20am · ·
Carmen Tan
Carmen Tan
i'll help u....
Yesterday at 12:22am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
but now 2010 de girl all is lazy want...haha....guy better clean loh.....
Yesterday at 12:23am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
jacky, chee>> it is not tat jia lat ok. hahah...

carmen>> come back from malaysia help me =(
Yesterday at 12:23am · ·
Lew Wan Pin
Lew Wan Pin
haha:) it ok.. mee too...i being saying wan to clean my room since new year until now still haven:) *high five*
Yesterday at 12:43am · ·
Loh Mun Yeong
Loh Mun Yeong
Girls those days............LOL! =X
Yesterday at 1:02am · ·
Carmen Tan
Carmen Tan
ok, wait me.....
Yesterday at 1:07am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
i manage to pack abit le... so i am not tat bad okay ppl...

carmen>> i will wait for u, hee
mun yeong>> go die lar...
Yesterday at 1:45am · ·
Lew Wan Pin
Lew Wan Pin
Yesterday at 1:48am · ·

just a post about me lazy to clean up my roon
yet there is so many comment...

i did manage to clean up my room ok!!
manage to clean up my clothes
clear up part of my notes...

there is still alot of work to be done
but at least i am starting =)
also started to read up on my law notes too
have to get ready for school start

P.s: i feel strange this few days
feeling lazy
lazy to smile and be the cheerful me
but there is nothing wrong with me

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