Monday, June 15, 2009

Emo... emo...

Haix... back to my emo state again. Think i will need some time to get over it again. Guess i have really overreacted about the matter, she was not that important in the first place. Maybe what Gerri say was right, i overreacted cox i still care about him. I know i still miss him and i do not want it to be this way. I want to be able to be strong and have a happy life without feeling sad for him anymore. Guess things wun go perfectly in the way i want them to go but with some time i believe it will happen.

Putting away the sad stuff, i am happy because i finish watching first series of criminal minds!! weeee... it is such a nice show. Second series here i come...

P.s: The defect of our mind is like wound in our body, even if great care is taken, there will still be scar.

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