Wednesday, December 1, 2010


i tired of always smiling...
tired of always having to put on a strong face
tired of always have to think of others before myself

i just want to be like a freaking childish 23 yrs old...
asking for people to give in to me
asking for people to help me cox i freaking walk with a limp
just staying at home rotting instead of working

people always see be as being a strong ger...
in fact i am not that strong
all the burden i am carrying is making me breathless
burden of doing well in school
burden of doing well in work
burden to be able to make everyone happy

actually i feel very imperfect...
walking with a limp
being different from others
i hate when i see people staring at the way i walk
i have to work double hard to make ppl recognize me
people look down at me because of this
i hate when i cant wear heels bcox of this
i hate when i cant swim bcox of thim
i hate when i cant run bcox of this
i hate when i cant cycle bcox of this
i hate my life bcox i cant do everything people can...

i know i have alot people that truely cares about me
that do not even care that i am imperfect
that actually take care of me and love me
i know it and i appreciate it
thanks alots... LUV

but being different
is just so tiring at times
when the burden start to fall
and make me breathless
is times where i feel that i should not even be born
where i will think that the world be better without me
my parents will be more relax with this burden
my friends will feel less relax as do not have to worry for me

everytime when the burden fall
i will always after a while be able to push it back
and carry it for quite awhile more
so lets hope after a good sleep
i will become the strong and cheerful florence again...

piss off...

i hate it when i make mistake in work or whatever thing i suppose to do
duno whether is my good point or bad point...
i will want things that i do to be perfect
i know is quite impossible but i hope to be as perfect as possible
maybe it was bcox i was born imperfect
that why i want to change fate and be able to produce perfect things
when things turn out imperfect
it just sort of remind me how imperfect i am

it gets really tiring trying to make things perfect...
i think is time i try to change this habit
things will never be perfect
so like i never will

P.s: i should also change the habit of trusting ppl too much
should trust no one but myself...

Monday, November 22, 2010


i miss falling in love...
drowned in sweetness...
when will i feel love again??

Short note: happy!! everything settle =) money does drop from the sky =P

Sunday, November 21, 2010


is hard to work with you at times
i have to be extra careful ard u
it make me really tired at times...
it maybe me being extra harsh on u or watever
i will try to change...
i hope you do so
if not it will go no where...


it hurts when i see my love one hurting
i cant seem to help...

my happiness always come from my love one
so i want all of you all to be happy!!

3 combo attack today
had tackle me down...
you all confine in me in your little secret
i am happy that you all did it
i am willing to help carry any burden for you guys
when the only thing i could do is to listen
i feel useless at times...

"i want to be able to hold on to your hand
and lead you away from the darkness and into the light
but i cant seem to find your hand in the dark
all i could do is hug on to you
protecting you from whatever is in the dark
while you find the way to walk into the light"

so lets solve the problem together
and not alone...
i will always be there for you
although i cant do much too

P.s: Gerri i love you... whatever decision you made, i be beside you... watever worries you have i will always be just a phone call away... stay strong... LUV

You know who... please do not made me worry... we will figure a way out... you lead me to the light lots of times and now is my turn to acompany you in the darkness to wait for the light =)

Ming... praying nothing serious will happen...

Let the suay Nov pass by fast...
when dec come let my love ones be happier

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

lazy mood

is been awhile since i blog...
lots of things to blog
chalet with the crazy ppl
meet up with poly cliques after their exam
usual meet up with my LUV...
but i just feel so lazy =P

life have been good
i am happy as how it is going
but it tend to become kinda of boring...

this is human isnt it??
never contented with life
i wanna be but i just feel something missing
what is it???

Friday, October 22, 2010

suay day

what a suay day at work yesterday was
delivery slam
(honestly think was becox of the haze, cox everyone else delivery very busy too)
2 new rider can freaking lose their way
stupid phone ringing non stop!
have to keep apologizing to customer
*pray pray no delivery complain*
*pretty please*
lucky there is good customer that made my day too

while all this is happening
edward came audit =(
i instantly feel like killing myself
delivery non stop from 10am
he still fail my audit
still kana say by boss...
lucky edward seem like a nice guy
help me push up my result
if not will be a 60%
*really can die instantly*

after all this thought that the end
realise ordering never do
have to go borrow things
hope the things we borrow will last

P.s: I have only 2 hands 1 head
if you trust me, know me well enough
you will have to know i did my best le
*blame me for the outside food and nametab, is my fault*
appreciate the apologize...
at least made me feel slightly appreciated

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

poly cliques

Had fun with them...
too bad weekiat was not ard
is been long everyone hang out together already
as the rest had started studying
while working full time...

lets hang out more often ppl!!!
love you all so much

Saturday, October 9, 2010


i am currently one job now
finally start to get use to the work environment
start to have fun working there
but all the office conflict make it gone

it might not be a bad thing
since i was really abit over worked
now i have more time to study
is my last year already
i wan to try to get my 2nd Upper
at least this way i wun regret =)

now i also have more time to accompany my parents
and to exercise to lose weight!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

just like a spring

I am like a spring... Will always spring back no matter what happen... But even spring will spoil after long usage, so will it ever be my turn??

back to heaven

when we leave
do we want to leave back tears?
or leave back laughter?

i do not agree with u leaving so sudden just like that
as u may get the release u need
actually in fact u pass it forward to ur love ones

i actually do understand why u will lead to this stage
i used to think of leaving this world
but thanks to my happy character
it hold me back

i just hope now you be able to give strength
to ur families and love ones
bring them go thru this horrible time

P.s: from all this
we learn that our love ones are the most impt
in our life...
but will we remember this lesson we had forever?

Friday, October 1, 2010

i am poor...

offically declare myself broke...
time to start saving again
savings depleting like water

Have to STOP!!
work and save up again...
i cant bear to see my account with so little money
no more shopping expensive things...

at least this month $$ was well spend
as long as you all are happy
it make me happy =)

Monday, September 27, 2010

best mummy!!!

I have the best mummy in the world...
knowing that i am at home for dinner
she cook Ba Ku Teh!!
wooo... yummy!!

Scare that there is not enough food
she went out to buy KFC back for us
how great can she be??
Love her so much...

Was suppose to be on diet
think my short play on Wii would not help much =(
tml morning have to go run!!

P.s: Pic abit ugly ah... was too eager to eat the food =)

Mummy make my day perfect
make studying the stupid FR easier
i manage to understand and complete some qn
life is great!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

you'll never walk alone

so emo...
hopes were high on the last 20 min
thought history will repeat itself
and kick start our season today at old trafford!

we still lost
but at least i see some form in liverpool today
lets hope it will go on!!

P.s: Jacky, hate u, hate Man U =P

Saturday, September 18, 2010

to sleep

Picture always speak louder than words...
nice pic... lousy feeling...
let me just sleep it away...
night night world

Friday, September 17, 2010

happy enough

all that i feel right now...
recover from my sickness
leading a more relaxing life
with more time for me to rest
life seem so perfect for now =)

went on my shopping spree yesterday
brought a skirt like finally
and lots of nice cheap girly clothes

haven found dear daddy present
it is just so difficult to find the perfect one
i just want to get him the perfect present
like what he got for mine
best wish
is still for you n mummy to be always happy
no argument
* wish wish wish =P *

Friday once again...
the day i get to see my girls...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

its official

officially he going to be a air steward
have fun in what you do
rem to buy me lots of presents when you fly =P

Monday, September 13, 2010

really sick...

so glad to be home on my lovely bed
spend 3 days in hospital
2 horrible nights...
with fever close to 40 degree
vomit like a fountain
on drip
everything was just so horrible

at least all is fine now =)
thanks gavin for visiting
my si gi na for coming to entertain me
with prezzie somemore
wanted to keep it really a secret so that ppl wun worry
but guess is hard...

so sorry for making you all worry bout me
i will take care of myself better
will work less and rest more

esp. my parents, jacky, pastamania ppl for covering me

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

i tried...

i tried...
really did and guess i failed...
tried to understand how you feel
tried to be nice to you
tried to not scream at you when you do thing w/o thinking

what did i get back in return??
nothing... a black face thats all...
people might still be able to be nice to u
but i did this for duno how long already
talk to you
teach you
yet you never really listen and learn

you always still do things your way
and now even worst...
talk back and ignore...

is not i dun care
but i am really that busy
busy that i do not even have time for myself
i cannot afford to have the time like last time

Do you even understand about my situation??
i have already did my best
and that it...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

yeobo =)

my darlings...
i so glad to know you girls in my uni life
initially i still thought we will start to lose contact after we grad
esp after boon transfer to SIM

who knows...
till now our friendship are still as strong as ever
we make an effort to try to make up every friday
you girls just make my life so happy
thanks for showing up in my life =)

You girls must be strong
zee, boon: must get use to working life and find a good job
kales: find a good pt job and do well for school
jq, shi xian: study hard!! you girls can do well this year de!!

my life...

been really busy...
busy with coping with 2 work
trying to set time for school
making sure i have time to study
have time to exercise...

life have never been that busy
not having time to even have meals at home
but i love the life i have now
maybe just need to have more rest time =P

pass my birthdays with all my love one also
thanks so much to all of u all

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Seven - Better together

Brave Brothers & Jay Park - I Want To Cry

Monday, August 2, 2010


my weekend are getting crazier!!
and i love it =)

this friday i went powerhouse
with boon, Suzanna, wp and kristine
what a weird combination right...
but we had fun
music was fun but the crowd was very strange...
looking forward to next saturday with my girls...
pictures going be up soon =P
laziness is crawling in again

Saturday inventory day...
supper to sent off kristine
followed by casino
i had fun =)
a good experience
since we manage to win back our levy...

after the two nights
today i feel sick...
overtired bah
all the late night plus the work =(

Thursday, July 22, 2010


disappointment can lead to alot of things
for me it might be just letting go...

letting go of the friendship
letting go of the worries
letting u lead your own life...

it just drain me out
worrying about you
thinking of what best for you
yet you choose to lie and hide for me

i maybe strict with you
cause i want to help you get what is best
maybe i was too strict
i put too much effort in it
and i hate people to lie to me
not once, not twice but lots of time
it just let me lose hope
and you know i hate this feeling
because i once lose a 'sister' before...

like what i decided for work
loosen up and dun bother so much
and life will be easier for me
so is time to let u go

just give me some time to adapt
we will still be friends
just that i will stop nagging
since now u have a new daddy
he will do it...

P.s: i just dun want to not feel appreciated again
the feeling sux...
actions always speak louder than words

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

nice place!!

Been very long since i last meet up with Suzanna
miss her so much!!!
still rem the time we hang out with the rest
althought 2 years pass by
there isnt much difference

we had a great time at mount faber
eating and having wine
thx ger for the treat
and bringing me to such a nice place
lets meet up often ok!


Friday, July 16, 2010

sign of relief

I suddenly feel a sign of relief
relief that i realise i finally moved on
that i know you no longer hold on to my emotions

maybe not all feelings is gone
i know you still stand a part in my heart
no matter how bad people say you are
i dun regret liking you before
*all things happen for a reason isnt it

Glad to be able to be still your friend
glad that we still tell each other most of our things now
glad that we be able to hang out at times

Just be happy ok
and this will made be contented already
for the last time i will say and think
and let it stay hidden in my heart forever =)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

is getting close...

my birthday is coming soon...
people have been asking me what i will be doing
haven really bother to think
but dad gave me an idea
have a celebration at the condo...
maybe can be considered

going to be one more year older
so many people getting engage
for me all this seem so far away
life seem okay for me being alone
i admit it does get lonely at times
but lets not rush into things...

P.s: dun worry daddy
i will get a bf de lar..
i guess =P


Saturday, July 10, 2010


Florence 温流 omg... i want to clean up my room!!! but i am freaking lazy ah =(

Thursday at 11:45pm Friends Only · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
haha...i help you loh...hehe...1 hour $50...
Thursday at 11:56pm · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
wow!!! so expensive!!! i poor ger leh can i have a lower price =P
Thursday at 11:56pm · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
haha....where got expensive cheap ad loh...
Yesterday at 12:01am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
I help you 25 euro per hour... cheaper? lol
Yesterday at 12:03am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
hahahah... slightly cheaper only... you are my daddy jacky shld help me for free ma...
Yesterday at 12:06am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
Then you come clean up my room for me? lol
Yesterday at 12:07am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
ya loh...jacky so be greedy for money...haha
Yesterday at 12:07am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
hahaha... why all my frenx so money minded de!!

jacky >> ur room shld be very clean le ma
Yesterday at 12:12am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
lol.... no $$$ no talk! And ya my room is neat de of course... and you being a girl.. pls go and tidy up your unsightly room lol
Yesterday at 12:13am · · 1 personLoading... ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
ah ya... i know and i want to... but when i see all the books and clothes... i feel so lazy =(
Yesterday at 12:16am · ·
Jacky Ng
Jacky Ng
‎......... jialat!
Yesterday at 12:18am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
very jialat....
Yesterday at 12:20am · ·
Carmen Tan
Carmen Tan
i'll help u....
Yesterday at 12:22am · ·
Ryan Chee
Ryan Chee
but now 2010 de girl all is lazy want...haha....guy better clean loh.....
Yesterday at 12:23am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
jacky, chee>> it is not tat jia lat ok. hahah...

carmen>> come back from malaysia help me =(
Yesterday at 12:23am · ·
Lew Wan Pin
Lew Wan Pin
haha:) it ok.. mee too...i being saying wan to clean my room since new year until now still haven:) *high five*
Yesterday at 12:43am · ·
Loh Mun Yeong
Loh Mun Yeong
Girls those days............LOL! =X
Yesterday at 1:02am · ·
Carmen Tan
Carmen Tan
ok, wait me.....
Yesterday at 1:07am · ·
Florence 温流
Florence 温流
i manage to pack abit le... so i am not tat bad okay ppl...

carmen>> i will wait for u, hee
mun yeong>> go die lar...
Yesterday at 1:45am · ·
Lew Wan Pin
Lew Wan Pin
Yesterday at 1:48am · ·

just a post about me lazy to clean up my roon
yet there is so many comment...

i did manage to clean up my room ok!!
manage to clean up my clothes
clear up part of my notes...

there is still alot of work to be done
but at least i am starting =)
also started to read up on my law notes too
have to get ready for school start

P.s: i feel strange this few days
feeling lazy
lazy to smile and be the cheerful me
but there is nothing wrong with me

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NOT emo


Sunday, July 4, 2010

bad day

i felt horrible today
working with my horrible seasick
flaring up at daddy
for no reason

sorry daddy =(
you are not at fault lar
i jux had a bad temper
but i really tried to change le
i know my temper is better
but maybe it just aint enough

i am strong headed too
so i still do not think the same way
as you for the other case =P
dun kill me... hahah

Monday, June 28, 2010


will be away for the next five days
off to Redang for a relax trip
my dear friends take care of yourself here
and mux miss me wor =)

my dear frenx at work
enjoy urself at inventory
while i be relaxing at the beach =P

will miss u guys!!

well spend day

27 June
got to meet up with the gang for dinner
other than MJ
played board game at calvin hse
although we din really do much
i had great FUN!!

I love Honda fit
bcox owner of honda fit are nice people
Felix: sending me home although out of the way
Erik: driving us around

Went to the temple with erik n daddy
pray for good health, luck for all the people around me
been so long i went to pray
mum will be happy to know about it =)

Slacking around is also fun
most importantly
is the companies that count!!


Monday, June 21, 2010

dear gastric

gastric feeling weird this few days
been having gastric pain
wanting to throw up

time to eat something light
this few days

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father day =)

happy father day daddy!!!
Thanks for all the support
and encouragement =)

watever happen
u always have ur this daughter
at ur side


Saturday, June 19, 2010

my wants =)

i have a new wish list!!
and more will come...
am quite broke recently
so is time to save up!!
by getting motivation from all the things i want

next month onwards
start of new accounting job
decide to open uob account
to put that amount in
and not touch it

work hardplay hard
and get all the things i want

Polaroid camera
always wanted to get one
now since price drop i can consider le
Price: $100 plus

Olympus Pen EP1 DSLR camera
always wanted to have a DSLR camera
this is small, pretty and good
guess the price will be also very 'pretty'

i realise i am so into camera
guess cox i always love to take picture
not only self take picture
but also of the environment =)


talk of the town

hot topic for singapore
beside world cup
city harvest church...

i still rem the time Sun Ho became a singer
what a big fuss was made
esp when she when US
it become worst with all the skimpy clothes

i use to dislike her
partially cox i dun agree with ways
is done at the church
when i went to listen of her new songs
it isn't that bad

No matter how good she is
just because she a pastor wife
she can only do specific things
wear specific clothing

More common in our traditional country
Next when is my turn to find a FT job
guess i be stereotype too bah

i have been thru all this year
doing things i am never expect to do
so what is another challenge

P.S: Thanks daddy n Wp for telling me
what you all think bout me...
daddy still know me the best =)
promise will not push myself over the limit


Sunday, June 13, 2010

food for thought...

full shift yesterday
plus no dishwasher...
my mood was really bad
due to lack of staff
and my back seem like it is going to break

when i was waiting for toilet
i saw a little boy being so happy just by playing with soap
this make me think... ...

happiness is actually very simple
we humans actually make it complicated
by not being contented
happiness become very difficult to obtain

Work become so much more happy yesterday
glad to work with the group of people
Daddy - always dun fail to make me smile
Pei Dian - extending your work hours for us and gossiping with me
Kristine - always having ur smile on
Wan Pin - Lending a great helping hand
Kitchen crew - for always crapping with me

I LUV U ALL!!! ♥

Thursday, June 10, 2010

yum yummy!!

snacks i love the most now

yummy egg tart!!it is not the normal egg tart
inside is like cream i think

durain puff!!!
my all time fav...
these two snacks can be brought near my hse
i am so lucky =)

waffle tat look very nice
taste is not worth the price
too expensive =(


love my bed

one whole day for me to rot at home
feel so shiok =)


Friday, June 4, 2010

lonely me...

having my lonely feeling again...
i really can emo out of nothing sia

a happy note
i got what i wish
it is really fated...

Friday, May 28, 2010


its end of my exam
start of my holidays
it time to play
time to pray!!

last two days
slacking and majong
feel so relax and happy
manage to see my poly frenx after so long
also relax with my uni frenx

start of work tml...
so many things wana do!!
- shopping
- sing sing sing
- pack up my room
-renovate room
- redang trip
weeeeeee... happy =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010




爱死罗志祥了 =)

pictures will be up soon
i am a happy ger...

too bad there was bad news today
whatever decision you choose to make
i will always support you
of course i would wan you to stay ah
but just do what you think is best
and i sure it will go well


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i am florence...

i am florence...
i am naggy
i have a big build
i walk with a limp
i am strong headed
i have a boyish character
i am a straight forward person
i chose clothes mostly by the comfort
i only beauty myself up when i hav the mood

this is who i am
if you do not like who i am
just get away from me
i love the way i am now
althought can be better lar =P

whoever that like me
i will treat you all x10 well
cox my frenx are one of the important part in my life!!


maximum capacity

brain full
body still sick
let me be able to complete my last two paper

realise how easily contented i am now
ice blended drink (too bad no coffee)
with a pcs of cake
and i will be ultra happy =)

newly tried green tea tiramisu
offically declare my fav cake from coffeebean!!
off to fill my brain again le

Sunday, May 16, 2010


i got the vulnerable feeling now
the feeling that made me feel so alone
a feeling that always hit when i am alone at home

ok... i am emoing now

Thursday, May 13, 2010

happy =)

most worried paper down
it was good
all question was done
hope i manage to shift the correct curve for long qn
my 2nd dist paper here i come

thx you
i did what i promise you
studied hard
i know you helped me from up there
i miss you still...

the song that will bring a smile to me
no matter what

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

please pass...

one paper down
three more to go
today pobf paper was consider good
i guess
please please i just need a pass!

brain was shut down tonight
did a few qn and nothing went it
decided to have an early night
wake up like at 6 to study

P.s: appreciate the people around you
when u start to argue over small little things
you are actually pushing your love one away
since he the one you love
give and take is all you need
do not wait till all is lost
and start to regret
time can never be turn back
and sometimes feeling cannot be search back

I need coffee =P

Monday, May 10, 2010

new hair

new hairstyle
a new mindset to my life
too much things had happen
now is time to put all aside
and prepare for exam

funny all the comment i get of this hairstyle
sotong hair...
daddy go get a sotong hair too then 'pei' ma =P
xiao long nu hair...
act cute hair...
at least i feel afresh with my new hair

time to chiong thru the last day

i miss you ♥

Saturday, May 8, 2010

stress up

pobf exam on tue
i am getting all stress up
as i am not ready
brain filling up and seems like it is going to burst
hope these few days i can squeeze as much things as possible

wanted to study thru the night
to finish one chp
but half way thru
my head hurts... hai

so here i am off to bed...

i miss u ♥

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

miss u

i miss you... ...

life is so unpredictable
anything can happen anytime
so we have to cherish our love one

on another note
i am worried
please take care of yourself
i do not know how long you can last this way
i understand why you feel this way
i know she is fine
i just wish she will call back soon
i cannot afford to let anything happen to u


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

4th may... the day you leave us

a msg receive today afternoon
i thought it was a joke
but it was not
it was so sudden
it was just days away where i saw you
you were nagging asking me to work lesser
as usual...

but it was the last time i get to see you
the last time i get to hear you nag
i never expected it
i do not know how to react

i will miss you...
the supper we had together
the laughter you brought to me
the nag i always get from you
i will just miss everything about u

and i will never forget the promise i gave you
to do well in my exam
this year round i will do so!!
for the sake of myself and to fulfill my promise

i just wish all this was just a dream
a dream wish i can just wake up from it

i thought i could handle it well
but the bus trip was horrible
memories of you flash by
and tears just flow without me realising
but i still need to be strong for the sake of my girls
hai... all this is just so wrong

Monday, May 3, 2010

days of waiting

i felt sad when i could not do anything
to help cheer my best friend up
i could only try to influence him with my smile
but exam is coming
this could not be done due to the long break

i could only wish that the days
pass by fast
could only wish she bring back good news
only wish that u can be distracted by work
wish that it will not be that torturing

P.s: stomach having strange feeling =(

coffee addiction

the most torturing period now...
few days left to exam
confidence to pass: 30 %
can someone kill me now =P

with so many things left to study
coffee addiction getting very bad
min 2 cups of coffee a day
will i die from it? lol

finally get to watch shutter island
one word to describe: disappointing =(
at least his acting was great!!
thanks WP for the company
looking forward to Ip man 2
please do not disappoint me

off to get bury in books again

Sunday, May 2, 2010


its been very long time where i stop blogging
slight changes and back i am again
contented life and off away emo

super clumsy me
cut on leg, sprain hand
i feel like staying at home and rot
can i??


Monday, February 1, 2010

nice article

In between holding down a couple of careers, wiping runny noses, sitting on a handful of do-gooding committees, trying to look passably well-groomed and attempting to tame a garden that constantly threatens to turn into Sleeping Beauty's, my best friend and I occasionally find a moment for a brief e-mail exchange. (We live just two streets away from each other, yet hardly spend more time face-to-face than we did when 200 miles separated us.)

Among the 500 or so e-mails that land in my inbox each week, there's an inspirational thought which I sent to my pal for light relief recently. It read: "The best way to get things done is to do one task at a time."

"Hah!", she wrote back at 11 pm after putting her daughter to bed, leafing through some paint charts, folding the laundry and finishing a freelance commission. "Obviously written by a man!".

Whether we call ourselves jugglers or multitaskers, the more we manage to do at once, the more we congratulate ourselves. We iron with a phone tucked under our chin. Grab a sandwich and eat it while working. I'm ashamed to admit I've even been known to snack 'n' drive – once being forced to change gears unexpectedly with my hand in a bag of lobster-flavoured crisps.

"Multitasking" was a phrase first minted (in Silicon Valley) to describe computers that could run more than one program at a time. But in the 21st century, we've all become human multitaskers. And, no question, women are better at it than men. Studies have shown that women use both hemispheres of the brain – while men tend to use one, so they're more "compartmentalised", tending to focus on one thing at a time.

Bestselling "I Don't Know How She Does It" author Allison Pearson sums it up: "We're wired differently. It must be something to do with Early Woman being a gatherer – needing to pick berries while keeping an ear out for the kids and planning what we're going to have for dinner at that cave party a week from Tuesday."

However, research suggests that multitasking might be bad for our memories and our wellbeing. The stress of doing too many things at once can not only strain the brain, but set us up for a raft of physical problems, too.

Dr David Meyer, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan who specialises in cognition and perception, insists, "Chronic multitasking over the years poses a strong risk for ultimate brain damage. As we force ourselves to bounce from task to task, we generate stress. Body and mind gear up to cope by releasing adrenaline. This powerful medicine is good for a crisis – but on an ongoing basis, it's hard on the brain and body."

Stress hormones divert energy from the part of our brain that forms memory (including the hippocampus) to the parts of the body needed for the "fight-or-flight" response. Long-term, this stress can lead to permanent shrinkage of the hippocampus.

What's more, Dr Meyer observed that multitaskers are losing the ability to concentrate. Viz my friend Kate's admission: "I spend more and more time in the office each morning 'going round in my basket' like a dog settling, before I can crack on with my day."

According to Dr Marcel Just, who's researching ageing at Carnegie Mellon University in the US, that's because "there's only so much mental capacity to go around." If you run too many programs at once on a computer, it tends to crash. Ditto human memory – which is what regularly happens to another of my friends Manic Janet, working mother of five-year-old twins: "I was ironing a shirt and the phone went, and then I looked out of the window and thought I'd go and pick a bunch of flowers. I then smelled burning coming from the kitchen – and I'd burnt an iron-shaped hole in my best Nicole Farhi shirt."

Multitaskers also tend to sleep badly, which not only impacts on our immune system, but can increase the likelihood of other stress-related health problems like heart disease.

It's time to reclaim the idea of mono-tasking, that quaint idea of doing one thing at a time. It might just turn out to save our health, wellbeing and our relationships. (And I might get to spend time with my best friend, instead of typing messages to her at 5am).

Not all multitaskers are created equal, so if you want to detox your tasking routine, it helps to take a customised approach. Make one small change at a time. If you give up multitasking completely, you'll be on overload again before you know it.

The Culture Vulture So much to read (and watch, and listen to) – and so little time. You skim through the newspaper while watching "Desperate Housewives" and beside your bed is a teetering pile of Sunday supplements and mail-order catalogues that you only really attend to when it avalanches to the floor.

The Detox Will the world be any different if you only buy one Sunday paper? Each morning, earmark one or two TV programmes that you'd really like to watch that night and have a long, indulgent girlie chat with a friend rather than squeeze her in while channel-surfing.

The Office Juggler You pride yourself on being able to cope with whatever your day (or boss) throws at you – but in reality, projects pile up and only get finished when there's a deadline. You probably get in early and stay late, too, to keep on top of your e-mails.

The Detox First, clear your desk so that it's easier to focus on each project. (A carefully-labelled hanging file under your desk is better than a mountain of folders.) Block out periods of time to work on specific projects. But never go more than 90 minutes without a break, because the brain needs time to recharge. Set aside 15-minute chunks, a few times a day, to deal with e-mail, rather than keeping it permanently open – and get a spam filter, so you're not spending time deleting irrelevant info.

The Domestic Perfectionist You bend over backwards to make sure your home looks like something out of one of those glossy homes magazines you subscribe to. You have a pile of vintage curtains just waiting to be turned into gorgeous cushions, and spend hours spritzing your linen with lavender water. But there are piles of things behind the sofa because you never quite finish tidying one space before moving on to the next – and that mountain of ironing just keeps getting higher.

The Detox Remind yourself that the homes in magazines don't look like that for more than about five minutes. (It takes a stylist and much grooming to get camera-ready, and invariably, just out of shot, there's a vast pile of junk. If not, the place is inhabited by aliens.) Slow down, take a breath and ask yourself: Which is more important, a perfect home, or health and happiness? Buy less, so there's less to tidy. Try folding clothes when they're straight out of the drier, to save time at the ironing board. And why not pay someone to make those pretty cushions for you?

The Crazed Cook Your kitchen walls are lined with cookbooks and Saturdays are spent dashing around town seeking out tamarind paste. You're constantly tearing recipes out of magazines – but never seem to get round to creating them. In fact, the last time you spent all evening in the kitchen, stirring, pouring, flambéing and crisping with your blowtorch you were ready to collapse.

The Detox Sign up for the Slow Food movement ( Or think like a Frenchwoman: buy the starter, or dessert, so that you're less frazzled and can actually enjoy your friends' company. Enlist their help – dressing the salad, pouring the wine. Have a ruthless cull of your cookbooks, keeping only the books that you refer to time and again. Author Shirley Conran was right when she said that life really is too short to stuff a mushroom.

Monday, January 25, 2010

parents finally home =)

Hippy, after 5 days of home alone, my parents is finally home... No more days of reaching home in complete darkness and i will have delicious food waiting for me when i am home!! I miss them so much!!! But damm sad, they din buy any presents for me... only brought lots of yummy food =)

Even thought was feeling abit sad for the five days but i had fun too!! washing clothes with my bitch was so fun and esp. drinking in the afternoon... tats like so cool ah!! real fun to have that grp of friends ard me ah... off to sleep le ah... i am getting tired le, keep getting piss off at work, haix...

P.s: You guys are not superman, please take good care of ur own body and dun let me worry ok... haix... LUV U!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

sad sad...

i promise myself never to be late for class again... but i broke my promise today because my phone went off batt and no alarm =( now my bro is bathing duno what time will i be ready... haix... i wan to do well this year...

on a happy note... 羅志祥 罗生门 is out!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

all alone...

u left me alone and now i feel so lost... so lost without our daily conversation but i am at least slowly getting use... haix... is this the end of our friendship... i miss u =( why did you just leave me alone like that...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

boon 21st bdae!!!

Happy birthday boon!!! 21st le wor!! welcome to our old old club =P had a great bdae celebration at ktv pub first... then off to the countdown the 2010!! we spend the whole night looking out into the sea and just crapping!! i love the times! it was so peaceful and happy... the only sad thing was we miss seeing the sunrise... but the company was more than enough already =) LUV