Saturday, December 26, 2009

support 黄鸿升

merry x'mas!!

Merry X'mas LOVE!!!

merry chistmas to everyone, hope you all had a fun time!! I watched my first 3d show with my si gi na... it was nice!! i love Avatar!! although we had to seat at the 4rd row but it is really very nice. Look so real... i love the ending too!! love the nature!! I SEE YOU!!! hahahha... all my xmas prezzie still at my house sia, haven sent out to people...

Haix, i am very tired... my back hurts recently, do not know why... Thanks for the concern... LUV

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

happy bdae!!


Had a fun celebration yesterday for meng at kbox. Singing, drinking and playing... still remember losing 13 rounds which make wz laugh like mad, lol... I love them!! they bring so much fun to my life at times =)

Hippy... i got the software that allow me to watch all the movies!! now i can watch all the movies i miss, thx MY... But i must have self control!! i must study first and only watch shows during free times... if not hk series, tw series and now movie, i totally do not have time to study already.

P.s: Sorry WP, i know you felt hurt by what he said... I promise i will never disturb you two again... I am sorry love...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

time to adapt...

lots of busy day went past again... just went through 2 days of course in office... study study again... but it was fun ah, with the group of people that can make me laugh so much. They make me feel so at home there... will miss all the fun had with them ah since now be very difficult to meet up already. LUV my Swensen meal!!! 8 scoop of ice cream, so so nice!

changes occur at outlet again... time to adapt again but will i be able to do so?? i can feel a stress over me ah... although nobody is giving me the stress but no matter what one group is my good friends and one is my good boss... Watever ah, like what i am told, just do what i am suppose to do and ignore about all this things... I will judge her with my own eyes =) will i be as fake??

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Its 2am in the morning and i just finish watch harry potter... I re-read the whole series again, two more books to the end of them all. So looking forward to the last book since i haven get to read that yet. In the mean while before shi xian can lent me the next harry potter book, it is time to start i my long awaited lost symbol! Wanted so much to get it when it was out, but since my other dan brown book was not hard cover, wanted to wait for the normal version to come out but i couldn't wait anymore. I am so amazed that just by buying make my day so perfect that day, now that i am going to start reading it, i feel so excited!! Weeeeeeee!! Need to go sleep soon since tml working morning shift. *starting to be able to hide the feelings but i still miss u! LUV

Friday, December 4, 2009


Waiting for all my online clothes to come!! i need new clothes!! better come before end of this mth then can chose one of them to wear for boon bdae ah!! faster faster!!! Today unlucky ah, majong today totally never win at all... hope tml be luckier!!! i miss u... LUV

P.s: happy!!! i got lots of BIG BANG songs to hear!! thx shi xian!! =)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

on my learning path...

Must learn not to get so affected by what happen around me... =)


Sunday, November 29, 2009

favourite movie of the year!!!

Watched this show with WP (with free movie pass =P)... great show, great plot and great graphic!! I love it to the max... The day after tmlo is already a great show, this is even better! A show that will make you worry about 2012, make you ponder about relationship and just make you WOW in some parts. I expected the graphic to be great already due to the creator but i really din expect the whole show to be so touching! i cried thru the whole show lor =( I want to watch it the second time!! who wan pei me?? hee

Saturday, November 28, 2009

am tired...

I wan to forget but i cant... i wan to stop missing but i cant... I wan to stop the love but i cant... All i can do now is to concentrate on my studies and put u behind my mind...

P.s: How do i say goodbye to someone i never really had? Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine? Why is it i miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never mine?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


not in a good mood today... dun feel like studying, dun feel like working... jux feel like staying at home and stay in my bed... wat is happening??

P.s: Wan ping ah... pls take care of ur body wor... LUV

Monday, November 23, 2009

need not forget...

I starting to dislike myself for why do i have to like you of so many people... it is affecting my life style, is it affecting yours? i do not want to forget you but i just want to be able to live my life as per normal... what am i really to u?? idiot pig =P

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

sick once again...

haix... i am sick once again... My body is really freaking weak ah, the last time i gotten sick was just less than 1 month ago lar :( I wan a stronger body!!! hate being sick, hate feeling so uncomfortable, hate not being able to do anything... Recovering from my sore throat, not having fever already but i keep getting giddy and just realise out of no where i have low blood pressure... like wth, more and more problem... At least if i am sitting down my head will not feel giddy, hope i wun faint at work tml ah :P time to go study le... LUV

P.s: Thx for your morning call :) brighten my day, hee...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

study study study...

Spend like the past few days trying to catch up with all the work i miss... But... these few days is not enough i only managed to like study for a few chp for auditing and managment accounting :( so stress, dun like... when will i be able to get rid of studying?? Have to study hard le, its already dec already and i am just left with less than half a year... I wan to be able to do well this year!! please!! i dun wan to screw up again!!

P.s: My two xin ai de!! we mux really start to have our study session every friday okie!! we mux all do well together!! LUV

stay mine??

Will you stay mine?? The answer was long hidden in my heart... It will never be :) and i will have to keep remembering this ans to stop me from dropping into the hole... LUV

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Suay week...

Last week ended with a suay day too and i hope this lead to my end of suayness. Hahha, i this clumsy ger actually fall down straight on my face on the face when i was rushing to work. It hurts and the first person that came to my mind was him. But watever, time to change this mindset. Haix, it still hurts until today :( Time to go study... I am blogging crap for this entry... lol, maybe cox i just woke up...

P.s: <Did you ever fall for someone, that you really didn’t want to, words can’t explain why, but you love being with them every minute. It’s one of the few things that make you happy

and it shouldn’t, and all you wanted to do was try to give up on them, but you couldn’t.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

nice quote...

They asked, "how does it feel to love someone who loves someone else?" After a deep breath, I answered, "It's like hugging a cactus, the tighter you embrace, the more it hurts..." But i cant stop for now though it hurts... as i still love the talks we have although i cant ask for more...

An unlucky day 03.11.09

Yesterday was freaking unlucky day for me!! First i cant rest as someone gotten mc and i help to cover. Unexpectedly, there was quite a good dinner crowd yesterday, i almost died at work. Although i always believe that working on 3 person will work but i came to realize yesterday that it depends on whose the other 2 person. Everything just came together, customer complain, customer fall down, petty cash counted lots of time before getting it correct, forget to print sales summary and the idiotic pos still hang on me. Piss off lor!!! ultimate piss off!!! piss off that i screw up at work, i should not be... :(

Yesterday also came to make me realize one point even more, i am never important in your life and never will be. My expectation are starting to run high already. Becoming dependent on you, wanted so much to talk to you last night but guess you were tired. You know how much i wanted yesterday to rest on your shoulder and tell you all about my unlucky day, how i just needed a hug from you to just make everything right. All these i could just have it in my dreams, isnt it?? time to wake up...

P.s: Leaving someone behind means you only want the best for him, even if it means swallowing the sad reality that, the best just isn't you.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Some screw up things happen yesterday again... This matter i was at fault, at fault that i tried to disturb him. I thought we were close, i thought you know that i was just playing around but it backfire i guess. That i am sorry and apologize to her and the rest of the bitches for bringing trouble to you gers. I am tired already and i do not have the strength to explain about this matter. No matter how much explanation is done, things will not change, the fault will still be with me only. Everyone will still have to do things according to what she want. I do not like it, backstabbing us and blaming everything to other people. Actually end up there were never the bitches group... It was always just your group where the world turn just because of you. Please let all the tolerance be with me later!! I dun wan things to get worst and make everyone worry.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I am very piss... i know i should not be as it does not concern me but... haix...

P.s: If hate is such a strong word, then why do we toss around love like it's nothing?(from facebook love quote, just sum up what i feel)

nice nice :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

第二顺位... fav song of the mth

一直是我 陪你去躲 回忆里的雨你无心的叹息 有心碎的声音他的好 他的坏 他的不安定他的故事 是我和你 爱情里的乌云从我爱上 爱他的你 那个瞬间起一直是雨天 你只爱雨天 我用伞保护你亲吻着 你苦涩 味道的微笑闭着眼睛 我明白你 想念他的秘密我一直在 第二顺位 爱着你一直从雨天 一直到阴天一直到晴天 你逃离过去我一直在 第二顺位 等着你一直从昨天 一直到今天一直到永远 我相信 是我最爱你聆听你说 抱歉多过 你说我爱你你困在雨里 我困在雨里 我的伞湿淋淋『没关系』是我最常说的一句就让我等 就算我冷 至少我陪着你我一直在 第二顺位 爱着你一直从雨天 一直到阴天一直到晴天 你逃离过去我一直在 第二顺位 等着你一直从昨天 一直到今天一直到永远 我相信是我最爱你我一直在 第二顺位 爱着你一直从雨天 一直到阴天一直到晴天 你逃离过去我一直在 第二顺位 等着你一直从昨天 一直到今天一直到永远 我相信是我最爱你...


I am enjoying the feeling we have now... but can i ask for more?? hahahha... i cant and so for now i am glad to be able to stay around you... When will i be able to put a period on this... LUV

P.s: In a sentence of love, oftentimes you have to put a period on something that has to end and not just settle on a comma. In time... you will realize that it's nicer to see a complete sentence rather than a phrase that's completely hanging and doesn't even make any sense.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

i am fine...

I will be fine de... there nothing else i can do beside pulling myself out of this... will do it de esp got the concern from my bitches and si gi na. maybe i just need some more time i guess :) LUV

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

.. ...

Got the answer i wanted...

Monday, October 12, 2009

still friends...

I really do not know what you are thinking, after knowing you are still that normal. Finding me to talk on msn often, being concern about me when you see my sad nick. But i know you are avoiding all the question that will lead to that topic. Although i need the ans more than ever now but i am still glad we are still friends :) You will always be the woodhead i will miss, hee :P

P.s: 人生就像一场赌局,不可能把把都赢,只要筹码在自己手上,就永远都有希望

time needed...

I just need some time. I know i should not be so affected by him but sometimes saying is easier then actually doing it. Just bear with me somemore ok people!!! LUV U ALL!!! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

I love you...

I love you. And not, not in a friendly way, although I think we’re great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog way, although I’m sure that’s what you’ll call it. I love you. Very, very simple, very truly. You are the-the epitome of everything I have ever looked for in another human being. And I know that you think of me as just a friend, and crossing that line is-is-is the furthest thing from an option you would ever consider. But I had to say it. I just, I can’t take this anymore. I can’t stand next to you without wanting to hold you. I can’t-I can’t look into your eyes without feeling that-that longing you only read about in trashy romance novels. I can’t talk to you without wanting to express my love for everything you are. And I know this will probably queer our friendship - no pun intended - but I had to say it, ‘cause I’ve never felt this way before, and I-I don’t care. I like who I am because of it. And if bringing this to light means we can’t hang out anymore, then that hurts me. But God, I just, I couldn’t allow another day to go by without just getting it out there, regardless of the outcome, which by the look on your face is to be the inevitable shoot-down. And, you know, I’ll accept that. But I know, I know that some part of you is hesitating for a moment, and if there’s a moment of hesitation, then that means you feel something too. And all I ask, please, is that you just - you just not dismiss that, and try to dwell in it for just ten seconds. There isn’t another soul on this fucking planet who has ever made me half the person I am when I’m with you, and I would risk this friendship for the chance to take it to the next plateau. Because it is there between you and me. You can’t deny that. Even if, you know, even if we never talk again after tonight, please know that I am forever changed because of who you are and what you’ve meant to me, which - while I do appreciate it - I’d never need a painting of birds bought at a diner to remind me of.

P.s: Haix... u are just avoiding it!! why can you just act like so normal.

The truth is told...

Thanks all my friends!!! At the time where i am most sad, you all lend me a hand to pull me. I will be fine de, just give me some times to recover!! :) but i still miss him :(

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For you woodhead....

I finally got the answer i wanted... I know that you are the same woodhead i know and still do not know i like you. I have decided to let you go in my heart, i just need to know that you are happy. Whether anot to let you know that i like you, that i am still deciding. Maybe when i hide this truth until i cannot breathe anymore than i will chose to let you know. At least i still have all the memories with me :)

It's when I’m standing six feet away from you and not being able to find the words to tell you how much I love you and how much I miss you… that I just want to scream to the whole room that I’m still in love with you. It’s when I’m sitting alone with the phone in my hand, dialing your number and just hanging up… that I would trade a thousand tomorrows for just one yesterday. It’s when I’m really sad about something and need someone to talk to that I realize you’re the only one who knew me at all. It’s when I cry myself to sleep at night, and it hits me how much I would give to hold you at that very moment. It’s when I think about you that I realize no one else in this world is meant for me.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

black shirt...

First day wearing black and i was asked to helped out in Suntec. I am so not use to wearing black, especially the long pants. I can imagine wearing them in far east, how hot can it be...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

my precious friends...

First of all... I wan say sorry to my gi na as i almost did not listen to all of your advise today. I know that you all have only my best interest at heart but i just let my heart take over my brain. A big THANKS to Eugene for accompanying me to supper just now. Although we did not talk much about him but it is the concern that helped me. Our kind of friendship just really amaze me sometimes.

I am giving myself just one more week and i have to stop all this crap of drinking and having supper excessively for the last close to one month. I am getting fatter and i hate it... Time to really try to let go and cheer up. I am not sure whether i can do it but i must really give it my best effort.

P.s: Time to say bye to yellow at work and to say hi to black. Hope i will not screw up anything with my new job scope. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


On the way back from Hougang after meeting up with Dan Da Jie. I miss her, truely miss the times working today at far east, miss the times helping her out with english, miss the times when she will talk to me when i am feeling down. She been through alot thru this few months and i am glad at least she got out of it. She gave me alot of advise on what i should do. 我应该短痛儿冒险没有你这的朋友。。。 或长痛把感觉埋在心里。。。I still do not know what to do and i just do not want to think so much too... I miss you but for now i will not do anything. Hope mei mei and me will be able to walk out of this love shit thing... Time to go study for tmlo test already...

swollen eyes :(

Omg!! my dear eyes have been swollen for close to 1 whole day already and it dun look like it is healing. I look like a goldfish ah!! Pray pray that it will heal fast, as in recover now :P At least i think i know the reason of them so such just do my best to avoid it. The three hours talk with zee and shi xian at LJS, although was feeling uncomfortable due to the goldfish eyes but i still have great fun. With the three of us, there is never a moment where we run out things to talk about. LUV u two :)

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Skip school today although i woke up early... Was freaking emotional and physical tired yesterday, i am tired of working and tired of loving, i need a break, a break from everything in this world. AAAHHHH!!! I am piss!! piss off with myself...

At least i finally got the wish of drinking!! Ziya bdae!!! Had a really great day that night and after the drink, it make me wake up and stop doing all the stupid things. I am so looking forward to the next drinking session during month end!! Luv u guys and gers!! Is because of you all, my life at work is not being screw up by that few...
P.s: Thanks for the nice orange drink and the great tasting scallop... The sweets!!! For cheering me up and making me not lose my temper...

Friday, September 18, 2009

i am back...

Thanks to everyone who accompany me through this crap period of mine. My gi na(esp. Zee who i call everytime), Gerri, didi and Eugene for listening to me. I though it over this few days and manage to hide part of the feelings aside first. The old happy smiley Florence will be back!!! ^_^

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the sweet memories...

It is all back to normal now i guess since she is back. Having supper together, chatting together on msn till wee times, getting to see you more often, all these will not happen anymore already. Although i was very emotional unstable the past few days but i am glad that i have all these great memories with you. Thanks :)I will miss the drinks, food i had with you. Hope you be happy with your ger ger back and that will be my greatest wish. Although i cannot be always there to listen to your woes or just chat with you but in your times of need i will always be around when you need me. I MISS YOU!!!

P.s: Time for me to put you aside and concentrate on my studies already...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009


I need a drink tonight!! Its been long that i need a drink so badly... Guess yesterday meeting affected me, on the bus i just feel like resting my head on your shoulder. I feel like telling you that I LOVE YOU... At least i still get to say it in here and its time for me to pack all this feeling for you into a tight box and hide it in a corner of my heart.

I know that i will be able to put the feelings for you aside (but wonder how long i will take) and just be great friend with you, i just need some more time... I am happy enough if in times of need you will think of me this friend, being able to be around you seeing you happy is already the most i can ask for...
i am affected by him... i am truly affected and i am not happy about it... Because i do not know how long will it continue to affect me and i got a feeling it that it will be for very very long :(

... ...

haix... very sad songs... one of my favourite songs now because it sort of describe what i feel... 事情如果那么简单那就好了

想让自己不见 瞬间就统统消灭
受伤不会流血 悲伤也不会流泪

不需要有同类 传染颓废

就让我伪装 我嘴角不屑



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Some time off...

So many stuff to blog yet so little time and not in the mood. Be sure to blog everything up soon esp my bdae celebration :)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Disappointed once again...

Once again i was disappointed but luckily i was clever and chose not to hold high expectation on it. I was right and thanks for doing all this, maybe it will make me throw your memories deeper and deeper into the black hole like you did.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

looking forward to next week :)

looking forward to genting trip this sunday!! wishing this week long hours work will pass by fast and sunday will come soon. First trip overseas with my gi na and i know that it will be great. Even thought it is only to genting but it is the acompany that matters :) After that, my birthday is coming and i getting older by one year. Althought there is no that special someone with me this birthday but having my friends around is already good enough. Going prawning with poly friends on that sat and might be having a small stay over at my house for my gi na. I dun wish for much, i just wish that he will wish me happy birthday and i am happy enough.

Feeling sad...

Tmlo will be Dan offical first day work at hougang... I am feeling so sad. I will miss the time where i talk to her, where she will tell me things i need to hear and most important of her being there where i just feel very piss at work. I will really miss her, my da jie :( but never mind i am still her english teacher and so will still get to see her. We still got our shopping trip wor!!! I am sure i will be able to find nice clothes with dan around. Hope she will be fine over there and mun yeong will take good care of her.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I am finally starting to feel abit tired from work already. Its been years ago where i work almost everyday and long hours in Suntec, luckily my old body is still taking it well. Hope the managers are taking it well also, hope they will not fall sick.

Actually plan to go cut my messy hair tomorrow but think have to forgo it already since have to start work at 3pm. I must do it before i go genting. Yeah!! am so looking forward to it with my gi na!! A few days for me to take a break from work. Time to go watch 命中注定我爱你!!

P.s: 虽然我很正常,但是我相信总有一天白马王子会出现。我相信只要我在你身边,有一天你会发现我。

Monday, August 3, 2009


Start of another long week of work and awaiting my off day on saturday with majong session with my poly friends! Start of another week of missing him, missing all my friends!! Only thing now is to chiong work to help cover for the shortage of staff. The rest i wan to put it at the back of my mind and do not bother about it...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

my precious rest day

I love saturday now and it is not because i get to hang out but instead it is my only precious day per week. The feeling of laying on my comfy bed on a saturday make me feels happy. I get to talk to bun also but i am glad he is not getting so much into my head now due to my busy lifestyle. Busy helping out to cover FE lack of staff and also exercising to lose weight!! Really thanks to james for being so naggy and ming for being a nice gym partner :)

Was fairly a good week except with some disappointment. Gerri and my xin ai Zee found a job already!! Zee got her dream job at tcc at one of her favourite location and she is starting work tomorrow. Hope she will meet really nice people there like i did. I will pray for you and hope it work as well!!

Such go exercise already before i get nag by james again :P

P.s: Good luck to you :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

thx everyone!!!

My last few blog entries was all in a very sad tone and it had make some of you guys worried. Thanks everyone for all your concern. I just need some time and i will be totally fine so no worries :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

no one love me... ...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

what should i do?

What will you do if you fall in love with the wrong person? What will you do if you had fall in love with someone that is already attached? What will you do if you fall in love with someone that is not happily attached? What should i do? Wait for that someone? Forget about that someone and move on? Try to be beside that someone as a friend and looking over him? I have not found the answer to my questions yet. I just need some time to ponder over these questions of mine and what do i really want.

P.s: It doesn’t matter who he was, it matter who I remember he was.

Support 黄鸿升!!! 不屑

LOVE THIS SONG!!! ^_^ waiting for his full alblum end of the year

AH!!! super junior!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a great day!!!

Meet up with my two gi na, Zee and Shi xian today for harry potter movie today!! The movie was considered average for me i guess. It was not as amazing as the previous few movies, but you guys should still go watch it if you had watch the rest of the shows. We went to orchard central and had great fun there. Such not blog much of it, pictures will tell the story (update tml). The happiest thing is .. ... ... we finally booked out genting trip!! I am so looking forward to it, all six of us out on a trip. That will be so fun!! I am so exicted!! However, i can look forward to the more recent sentosa trip on saturday. The sad thing is Jq have to work and cannot come with us, but never i will take alot of picture to show you. You will be in out mind when we are there :)
Hahaha... shi xian so scare of the height!! she so cute ah!! and i had so much laugh there :)


Sometimes love is just so amazing and idiotic. Making you fall in love with people that we must not think of. It is also so difficult to know how does love feel like, it can appear in all forms. haix, love is just so complicated. What should we do?? I do not know the answer and hope the answer will appear to us soon :) i miss him...

P.s: You gain strength, courage and confident by stopping and looking fear in its face. You must do the thing you could not do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Mux recover well ah!!!

my dear evil friend zee is not feeling well as her wound start to hurt slightly. That day she still got slight fever, am so worry about her. Hope she does not have a wound infection or anything serious. Althought we miss our sentosa outing this week but no worries, there will always be next week. Our sentosa trip and harry potter movie together!! Mux take good care of yourself hor!! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am sick...

I feel so sad, thought my sore throat from yesterday had recover yet fever came and look for me too today. Lucky it is only slight fever and just took panadol, hope it will not become a serious sickness. Wanted to go to work today but because of the H1N1, i cannot go have to stay at home. I feel so bad now, i do not like to miss work... :( now while i am blogging and i starting to have flu... haix

Monday, July 13, 2009

moments of thoughts

Had some idiotic people spoiling my days last week and sadly to say i was affected by it. Such drop the details here as i am fine after talking to my dear friends. Thanks so much to Gerri, Zee and Eugene. Talking to you guys open up my minds in different ways as you all will give me different reactions. I am glad to have you all in my life ^_^ I know i need to grow stronger and not be so emotional sometimes. I also know that i tend to over reacted at the exact moment of time when things happen. I do not like the way i do things sometime at the moment of time but it is already much better than last time. I hope to try to change it even more. I wan a better florence which will make a even better friend and a future better girlfriend.

Happy stuff this week is that i finally got my psp and i love it so much. I love the colour, the game that i can play on it. Currently addicted to rock band unplugged and loco roco. I now have a band that have four band mates that look like Gerri, Zee, Alicia and me. Yeah!!!

P.s: In youth we learn, in old we understand.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I am happy one of my good friend just found happiness!!! When my friends around me feel happy, it make my life feel so wonderful. Really hope he had found the right girl and last forever. It just make my day perfect!! When am i going to find my right one :P

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Flu virus...

I am offically sick with flu and cough. The flu virus just attack me out of no where after i finish work yesterday at shaw house. Haix, i feel so xin ku, head feeling very heavy also. Yesterday did not watch my shows and sleep early but still never recover. Have to cancel tuition today so that will not spread the virus to the kids. Hope i will not have fever later at night as i going for ndp with gerri. Time to go sleep more before i get a fever and cannot work.

Gz got got home quarantine as his brother is tested with H1N1. Hope he dun get bored to death :P. Take care.

P.s: If men really know each other, they will neither idolize nor hate.


Weeee... Finally zee took out her rubber band le!! Lets go eat nice food next week!!! happy happy!! ^_^

out for Ice age!!!

Head out for lunch with gerri before my work on wed. Actually wanted to have buffet but we change our mind due to the time constraint. We then decide to have teppiyaki at sakae in PS. It was really nice and was cheap since we order the promotion set.

My favorite is the scallop and the tofu. It is really nice and i could not finish the nice garlic rice as i was very full!! Hee, pictures abit blur as i forgot to bring my camera out that day.
While waiting for our movie to start, went to foodcourt to have a drink. My eyebag is really becoming more and more obvious already. Time to sleep more. Before i forget to mention, i saw this while waiting for bus at my house area. It is real nice and in total i saw it twice already. I also get to see my favourite mini cooper often at my house area. I have to work hard to own one of it myself. The first thing to do now is to start learning to drive.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I am feeling so tired from work already. Everytime have to do all the things alone then just let me work on my own. Haix, if not for the $6/hr pay, the fexible hour and the managers there, i think will have leave long ago already. After working so long, there is already no motivation as there is nothing new for me to learn from work. Haha, maybe can try look for new pt job with gerri :P

P.s: Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ice age!!

wooo... ice age with sweetie tmlo!! sure very nice, happy ^_^

Monday, June 29, 2009

why am i missing you??

I do not know why but i recently keep thinking of MT. Actually not just recently but it have been hapening for sometimes. Now i do not even have the chance to see you and i cannot contact you. Really hope you are happy and waiting for you to call me out of no where.

On a happy note, thanks shi xian for passing me the great pps program!! i am so addicted to it now. I can almost find all the shows on it, criminal minds, chinese entertainment show, bleach, naruto, chinese shows and even my spongebob!! woooo... so happy, but i think my eyebag is going to get worst... omfg :(

I am freaking piss!!!

I am so freaking piss at work today. I was scold by J why did i close the garlic bread machine so early as they will have to help me bake the bread. I use to not close the machine so early but the washer will come and nag me for them, like i do not want to go home early. What the fuck they want be to do? No matter what i do i feel that i am always wrong. Is like i already close very late compare to others already and why do she have to fucking chose me to say. I am really freaking piss with everyone in the store. Even i do not know what wrong with some of my staff, i always have to do all the things. At the moment, i really feel like just be someone irresponsible and not go to work next week. However, i will feel damm guilty, so still have to go to work. I really dun feel the motivation at work anymore. I am sad... :(

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

busy day tmlo...

Due to my off from tuition from the weekends, i will be very busy tmlo. Have tuition at bukit merah in the morning, come home for lunch and follow with tuition at toa payoh. If i have time i also need to buy something before my work at far east. Ahhh... i am running out of time and yet the things i need is not brought yet. I hate it when things do not go according to my plan (virgo character) but i am trying to not get so work up when it happen. Trying hard to make me a better person by learning from experience. I will not totally change as this way i will not be the florence you guys know. Time to sleep, if not i will fall alsleep at work as there is so little customer this few days.

P.s: Some of the best lessons learn is through past mistake, the air of the past is the wisdom of the future.

Monday, June 22, 2009

orchard central...

Offically declare broke... whahahha

I need to work more, teach more tuition to earn back my money. I feel so uneasy with so little savings. It is time to stop shopping and start earning. Waiting for my staff to start school and it is my turn to work freaking hard. This week having three days off from Thursday to Saturday. Going have a great week, with thursday majong session at Zee house, friday gerri party, saturday possible majong again! wooo, this weekend no tuition and allow me to play through the night. Hope gerri bdae celebration will go well and everyone have great fun. As planning was done in a rush, hope nothing will be undone. Ahhhhhhh, prezzie....

P.s: Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles.

Love this song!! :)

不会再后退 也不能再挽回
我们之前的一切 让我对心残废
要多少智慧 才能都无所谓
我们相爱过 你选择了沉默
哭过能够重新来过 我们有没有把握
只是放开这样的你 并不容易
为何这一切已注定 不争气
这对你着迷的心 留下难看的字迹
不会再后退 也不能再挽回
我们之前的一切 让我对心残废
要多少智慧 才能都无所谓
我们相爱过 你选择了沉默
哭过能够重新来过 我们有没有把握
只是放开这样的你 并不容易
为何这一切已注定 不争气
这对你着迷的心 留下难看的字迹
只是放开这样的你 并不容易
为何这一切已注定 不争气
这对你着迷的心 留下难看的字迹

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

in a mess

Mind is in a mess and i need my own time to rearrange my thoughts. I know what is the right thing to do and truely from my mind i know what i have to do, but now my heart is making me thinks of things that is not right. It is good that at least he keeps doing stuff that remind me the right thing that have to be done. I need to be strong and with time let my mind cover my wound. I am not feeling great now and wants to just drink and forget about him. At least, my brain is still working, if not i would have just went back to... ... Ahhh!! I shall go sleep and just forget everything.

P.s: Out of suffering emerge the strongest soul, the most massive character are those serious scar.

Genius Doctor Reid!!

I am so in love with doctor reid in Criminal minds. He is a genius who knows almost everything in the world. The most amazing thing is that he can read a thick in just 6 minutes. Seeing him from someone nerd in season 1 to someone cute in season 2. Ahh!! i am addicted to criminal minds, so nice ^_^

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

recover well wor...

My bao bei gerri is sick!! Hope she will recover fast and will not feel so 'xin ku'. I am still feeling very tired from work, guess i am still not use to working so many days. However, i cannot rest because i need to earn as much money as i can, maybe then i can consider buying PsP. I am currently trying to get back money people own me. Message Klice and she did not reply me, maybe i must try to call her. It is not a small sum of money and the money is actually not that important but the trust i place in her.

P.s: Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Time heals all wound??

It had been said time heals all wounds, i do not agree. The wounds remain in time, the mind protecting the sanity cover the wounds with scar tissues and the pain lessen. But it is never gone...

Emo... emo...

Haix... back to my emo state again. Think i will need some time to get over it again. Guess i have really overreacted about the matter, she was not that important in the first place. Maybe what Gerri say was right, i overreacted cox i still care about him. I know i still miss him and i do not want it to be this way. I want to be able to be strong and have a happy life without feeling sad for him anymore. Guess things wun go perfectly in the way i want them to go but with some time i believe it will happen.

Putting away the sad stuff, i am happy because i finish watching first series of criminal minds!! weeee... it is such a nice show. Second series here i come...

P.s: The defect of our mind is like wound in our body, even if great care is taken, there will still be scar.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pc show...

I am broke because i just went to pc show and finally brought my harddisk. Yeah, now i can take all the shows from Zee and Wk le, weeeee!!! The main reason why i am broke is i brought Gps for my daddy. Singapore is really small because the salesperson was actually my schoolmate, Adam. I dun even remember whether he is my primary school or secondary school mate at that moment. But after thinking about it, i think that he is my primary school mate ah. Time to work hard to earn money!!! weeeeeee....

P.s: To cry for that person is wasting water in the body. Him leaving you is your fortune and you leaving him is his unfortune.

Friday, June 12, 2009

i need a aircon!!

I know i need a aircon, but zee and shi xian stop telling me about your house aircon! Damm bad ah!!! U all do not hav a heart! Should pity me then laugh at me lar! Buy me a aircon!!! :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

someone spoilt my mood yesterday, idiotic!!

It was suppose to be a happy day since gerri, gz and me went to check out the price for redang trip. This means that the redang trip will happen and I had a fun time with them like I always do. However, i was feeling very tired as it is only the second day at work after two whole months. While i was watching my fav. show criminal minds someone came to talk to me on msn.

He just accuse me out of no where for wat happen between me and g. Like what the hell, since you know from him just ask what exactly happen from him. Why do you have to come and disturb me with all this rubbish? You say that he is heartbroken that why you do not dare to ask him, what rubbish is this!!! Please get the right idea before asking, why cant you think whether i will be sad. Ask me why i got a change of heart and watever, watever, even when i tell you is he initiate the break still ask me why i do not like him anymore. I was so damm piss off, i tried to be nice and still talk nicely to him. I regretted ah!!!!!!! Should have just flare up ah but it is just my character. I am still very pek chek althought this stuff happen yesterday!! If u wan blame me just get the hell out of my life lar, he so perfect then just go talk to him, i do not mind. Such not let such a person to spoil my mood, i shall think of happy things.

P.s: Hahaha, just letting my anger out :)

thx pees!! luv u all!!!

i finally decided to blog but i forgotten my password for my old blog. Therefore, I started this new blog, forgetting him and everything that does not make me happy. I love my life now, working hard and playing hard. My holiday is getting better and better :) Looking forward to the end of my holiday, holiday to redang with gerri, gz and maybe zee and holiday to genting with my gi na. Althought we are just travelling to malaysia but the most important thing is the people around me, i know i will enjoy the trip.

In this first post, the most important thing is to thanks my friends and family who cheer me up or simply just make me feel happy around them. My mummy and daddy for being such good parents, Gerri for always being there for me, Eugene for helping me think right, Guan Zhao for keep reminding me, All my Gi Na (Zee, Shi Xian, Kales, Boon Yan, Jia Qi) for just able to make me happy around you all, Danny and Kian Meng for being concern and all of my other great friends! I love you all so much!!!! My life will not be this great without you! Thanks for everything! Hee!!

P.s: What we do for ourselves, dies with us. What we do for others in the world, remain immortal.